A real game changer
The AI-powered system is a real game changer, combining fully-automated cosmetic inspection with full-map power measurement. CSI-P Modulo ONE assesses all quality defining aspects in one fast process and assures consistent compliance with all of a lab’s quality standards.
The system reliably detects cosmetic defects and measures power across the full lens map – absolutely dependably. It screens the surface for irregularities, and characterizes and evaluates them with the help of artificial intelligence. Any common defects such as scratches, pits, center dots, haze, chatter, cutting marks, spiral and fringes are detected.
The smart system learns and understands what kind of defect(s), in which combination, in what intensity and in which zones, is deemed acceptable to a lab. Ultimately mimicking individual decision making patterns to reflect the labs unique quality standard.
In addition, CSI-P Modulo ONE measures the spherical and cylindrical power, axes and prism in transmission with high resolution across the full map. The data is analyzed and an error map is calculated and displayed.
The result is automated assessment of all important and quality defining information. Consistent and unbiased. 24/7.
Automating the impossible
To date, cosmetic surface inspection has been a strictly manual process. Only skilled human eyes have been capable of picking up defects to assess if the quality is in line with a lab’s standards.
This eye tiring work has been inherently difficult to standardize as individual assessments vary greatly. CSI-P Modulo ONE automates cosmetic inspection.
The camera-based system relies on AI to detect any common defects such as scratches, pits, center dots, haze, chatter, cutting marks, spiral and fringes. With the system, labs can control optics against the same consistent standards.
Pattern recognition powered by AI
First, the camera-based imaging system captures various configurations to analyze the lens. Next, artificial neural networks sift through the data applying myriad algorithms and mathematical routines with hundreds of parameters.
If irregularities or divergent regions are identified, pixels are combined and features are extracted. In the following, the intensity of each defect is rated and used as the basis for the go/no-go decisions.

Setting up the system in 1-2-3
Setting up the system to mimic a labs’ individual decisions and quality standards is an easy process.
1. More or less critical zones on the lens are defined e.g. the finished lens shape or standard zones.
2. Intensity thresholds for the defects are set reflecting what is relevant or irrelevant.
3. The system is fed go, no-go or rework decisions.
Based on this, the AI knows what kind of defect(s), in which combination, in which zones and in what intensity, are ultimately acceptable or not.

Apply the same or varying standards
Labs can implement the same quality routines across locations to guarantee the same standards everywhere. Apart from this, labs can also opt to apply differing standards depending on the demands of the product or brand produced.
For fast setup, labs can start off with a precon-figured system featuring ready-made logic that is based off a set of global parameters. In the following, the lab specifics are easily trained. Settings can always be tweaked or adapted.

Power measuring based on the full-map
CSI-P Modulo ONE measures the power across the full lens in transmission with a high resolution camera. In addition, an optical sensor measures the center thickness. From this, the spherical and cylindrical power, the axes and prism are calculated. On top, an error map that displays deviations is derived automatically. Thanks to the AI-based pattern recognition potential problems causing the error may be identified.
Combining the two processes in one makes CSI-P Modulo ONE a powerful tool to assure and comply with quality standards of outgoing goods.

The Modulo advantage
CSI Modulo ONE comes with an on-board global interface philosophy that allows connection to the Modulo system. Once connected to the Modulo system, the machine works as an integral part of this one-of-a-kind solution and is subject to the centralized monitoring Control Center. The lab manager is fully informed about the current status of the machine. Therefore, critical situations and downtime can be avoided before they arise. Higher uptimes and increased yields are assured.

Benefits CSI-P Modulo ONE
Cosmetic and power inspection in one
Highly reliable, objective decisions
Consistent evaluation
Adjustable quality standards
Validation of engravings and mold markings
Options for differentiation
Adaptable and scalable
Available 24/7
CSI-P modulo ONE brochure
Technical Data
lens diameter
up to ø 85 mm
lens thickness
up to 45 mm
CR39, Hi-index, Polycarbonate, Trivex®, Tribrid™
measurement range
-14 to +11 diopters
power consumption
0,4 kVA avg.
air requirement
6 bar (87 psi)
weight machine
approx. 420 kg (926 lb.)
dimensions (width x depth x height) without control panel
approx. 1698 x 1228 x 1794 mm (67 x 49 x 71 inches)
All data subject to change without notice. Please verify details with SCHNEIDER.